Missions in The Big Bend
The Big Bend Baptist Association is made up of 15 congregations, 4 ministry points and covers about 22,000 square miles of far West Texas. It encompasses five Texas counties and parts of one other. It reaches from the New Mexico border to the Mexico border. A Cowboy Church is located in Alpine. Three of its 15 congregations are Hispanic. The average Hispanic population within the communities ranges from 60-95 percent. Seventy percent of the pastors are bivocational. The Director of Missions is bivocational. Average worship attendance in the churches ranges from 5 to 85 people.
Alpine is the home of Sul Ross State University. The University maintains a student population of 2,000. The Association in cooperation with the Baptist General Convention of Texas, Student Ministries Division, supports a vital ministry among these students and faculty. The Baptist Student Ministry program is directed by Santiago Garcia with William Warren serving as Intern.
Within the Association, there are four jails, two hospitals, many EMS workers and Volunteer Fire Fighters, and a high concentration of Law Enforcement Officers,. Due to these, a Chaplaincy Program is very beneficial to help deal with the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual needs that arise in these settings.
Located also within the Big Bend Association is the Paisano Baptist Encampment. This Historic Cowboy Camp offer opportunities for young people, adults and children to attend week-long camps.
Mexico Missions
Mexico/Border Missions-Big Bend Baptist Association
BBBA Mexico/Border Missions-Mission Statement
Big Bend Baptist Association-Mexico/Border Missions works in cooperation with the Rio Grande River Ministry, BGCT, Convencion Regional Bautista Fronteriza, and Convencion Regional Bautista Pueblo de Dios, and other Mexico Interior Regional Conventions and Churches, and Other Partners (Baptist Churches, Conventions, Entities, and Individuals) of like faith and purpose, to establish and sustain a consistant, on going, local church based ministry, in order to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ along the US-Mexico Border Region known as the Big Bend and beyond the Border into the Interior of Mexico.
Inland church mission teams with skills capable of meeting the Borderland churches' requests can be used in many different projects. See Current Projects
Mission Trip Planning Resources
Big Bend Baptist Association/Mexico Border Missions
Principles and Guidelines for Partnership Projects
1. The project must originate from local need and strategy, Upon the establishment of a local need, requests for resources to meet these needs will be made by the BBBA.
2. In order to initiate involvement in a project, contact must be made with the Associational Director of Missions who will in turn initiate contact with the border congregation where the project will be carried out. Continue to maintain communication with the Director of Missions throughout the course of your involvement.
3. It is understood that inland church partners involved in a project will work with and through a sponsoring church within the association, or directly with the BBBA missions committee and staff, where no sponsoring church is involved.
4. Inland church partners may be asked to make long-range commitments to a project for a period of three to five years.
5. Partners involved in mission projects must commit to helping meet needs in the context of the local existing circumstances and conditions, (the way in which the local congregation sees best to do it).
6. Inland partnership teams should consist of regenerated members of a cooperating Baptist Church. You are coming to do missionary work in Baptist Churches.
7. When young people are involved, there must be one adult leader for every 8 young people.
8. Young people involved in a project must be at least 13 years of age (parents bringing their own children would be an exception, and they would be responsible for their younger children).
9. Inland church partners will be responsible for all of there own expenses, and may be asked to contribute financially to a given project, and for accommodations provided to them. Arrangements for meals, lodging etc., must be made in advance.
10. All involved in a project must dress and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with Christian principles, and local cultural practices. Excessive jewelry is strongly discouraged. Sensitivity and modesty are key factors.
For Ladies and Girls: Wear plain or (with wholesome messages) tops that cover the total torso, from shoulder to waist, and the top 1/3 of the arm. Short sleeve tops are acceptable in all settings. Knee length shorts are acceptable in some settings only. They are not acceptable in some places on the Border or in Mexico. Consult with the local pastor. Pants (Blue Jeans) are acceptable in many places for work projects, clinics, and VBS. Long skirts are acceptable in all settings. Short and or tight skirts are not acceptable in any setting. Body piercings (other than for one pair of ear rings) are discouraged. Unnatural hair color (blue, green, pink, etc) are discouraged. Tattoos must be covered.
For Men and Boys: Wear no less than a plain or (with wholesome messages) short sleeve T shirt on top, covering from shoulder to waist, and the top 1/3 of the arm. ( DO NOT REMOVE SHIRTS IN PUBLIC AT ANY TIME ). Knee length regular shorts (not sports shorts) are acceptable in a some settings only. They are not acceptable in some places on the Border or in Mexico. Consult with the local pastor. Blue jeans are acceptable for work projects, clinics, and VBS. Clean blue jeans and a button shirt are acceptable for worship. Body piercings, ear rings etc, are disouraged. Unnatural hair color (blue, green, pink, etc) are discouraged. Tattoos must be covered. Come to build relationships with people.
11. Make no financial or material gift to a border congregation without consulting with the Director of Missions
12. Do not single out individuals and give them gifts.
13. The distribution of material aid or assistance should not be carried out by an inland congregation. You will undermine the local ministry. Leave aid or assistance items with the local or sponsor congregation.
14. The possession or use of Illegal Drugs, Alcoholic Beverages, or any Tobacco Products is prohibited, and will jeopardize any mission project. To be more specific, YOU WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE. DON'T BRING IT.
15. The public display of affection, (males and females hugging, kissing, holding hands, and generally hanging all over each other) is not acceptable, and will jeopardize any mission project.
16. Avoid problems, do not go off alone. Stay with your group and host.
As of January 2008 the United States Government requires a US Passport as proof of citizenship to enter into the USA. Don’t leave home without it if you will be working in Mexico.
18. WARNING The crossing of fire arms and or ammunition into or out of Mexico is against the law, and is strictly enforced. Penalties can be up to 30 years in prison.
19. Do not give media interviews in Mexico or the US. Draw as little attention to your presence as possible. Direct all media inquiries to the national pastor/leader that you are working with.
20. Bring your Pastor. There is great value in his personal knowledge of, and experience in the project. We feel that the inland church will be more effectively involved on a long-range basis, when the Pastor is a part of the team.
21. Some projects will require Bi-lingual participants. Consult with the Director of Missions
22. An advanced planning trip must be made by leaders of the inland church to see first-hand the needs, and to make local arrangements.
23. Violence in Mexico is a legitimate issue, which makes advanced planning even more important.
Helpful Books
"Inside Mexico" Paula Heusinkveld John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Written in a Business Context, but very helpful.
"Successful Mission Teams" (A Guide for Volunteers) Martha VanCise New Hope A good guide for any mission trip.