BBBA Constitution and Bylaws






The name of this body shall be the Big Bend Baptist Association of Texas.




The purpose of this association shall be (1) the promotion and the strengthening of Baptist fellowship within its bounds, and (2) the evangelism and edification of the people within its territory and of the world.




Members of this association will be the churches that have been received and who continue in fellowship with the association in accordance with its bylaws.




This association agrees to provide, develop, and participate in a voluntary cooperation based on Christian love between people, churches, associations, state and national conventions, and international Baptist bodies.





The messengers of the churches, in regular or extraordinary sessions according to the bylaws, are the maximum human authority in all the decisions made by the association with regards to its work.


The Executive Board shall transact such business as shall be committed to it by the association and any other business which may arise between the annual meetings.  It shall not form any policies:  only the association in session can do this.  It shall report at each succeeding meeting of the Board and an annual report to the association of the work done. 







The Holy Bible is the authority of faith and practice for this association. The declaration of faith known as The Baptist Faith and Message gives a summary of the beliefs found in the Bible. This association does not exercise any authority over any church, but does reserve the right to choose which churches will become members. It also reserves the right to withdraw fellowship from any church                                                    



The provisions of this constitution shall be carried out in accordance with the bylaws of the association.



This constitution may be amended at any annual session of the body by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the messengers present and voting.  The vote must be taken at a meeting of the session subsequent to the one in which the amendment is offered. Churches will be notified of any pending amendments at least thirty days prior to the annual meeting.








Section 1.

The association in the annual meeting shall be composed of messengers elected by the cooperating Baptist Churches.


Section 2.

Each church is entitled to five messengers and one additional for each twenty-five members above fifty, provided no church shall be entitled to no more than ten.


Section 3.

It shall be the responsibility of all churches to provide a copy of the state convention report form for the preceding year (October 1st through September 30th) prior to the annual meeting.


Section 4.

The association shall meet annually on or near the third Sunday of October as set by the body, at such place as may be selected by the body. The Executive Board may make changes if necessity arises.


Section 5.

Messengers from a simple majority of churches shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any annual or special meetings. Proxy voting is not allowed.


Section 6.

This association shall recognize latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised as its manual of parliamentary procedure.










Section 1.

At any annual meeting, other churches may be permitted to enter into cooperation with the body by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the messengers present and voting, provided they sent petitionary letters with their messengers and give satisfactory evidence of their orthodoxy in faith and practice.



Section 2.

The Executive Board of the Association will contact churches that cease to cooperate with the Association for a period of two years. The Executive Board will make recommendations at the annual meeting regarding continued relationships.

Section 3.

It shall be the right of the Association to refuse to cooperate with any church unsound in faith or disorderly in practice.





Section 1.

The associational structure will reflect the full work of body with officers and committees responsible for the work:

  1. Administrative Officers shall be: 
    1. Moderator
    2. Vice-Moderator
    3. Clerk
    4. Treasurer
    5. Associational Missionary
    6. Trustees.










Section 2.

The officers of the association, with the exception of the Associational Missionary, shall be elected at each annual meeting and shall serve from the close of the Annual Meeting for one year or until successors are elected except for the clerk who shall be elected and assume his duties immediately following the organization of the annual meeting.  They shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and approved by the Executive Board at the meeting each year. Other nominations may be made from the floor.  Vacancies during the year will be filled by the Executive Board. The Moderator shall not serve more than two years in succession.







Section 1.

Executive Board Membership is reserved for all officers of the association, pastors of the cooperating churches, plus one member elected from each church and the Director of Baptist Student Ministries at Sul Ross State University.  In the absence of or failure to elect a Board Member, a member of a cooperating church may act as the board member from that church after he is so recognized by the moderator.

Section 2.

The Executive Board shall meet any time it deems necessary, and at the call of the Moderator for any special business which he deems necessary to transact.

Section 3.

A quorum shall consist of representatives of twenty-five percent of cooperating member churches.











Section 1.

Committees to serve in conjunction with the annual meeting shall be named by a Committee on Committees which shall be appointed by the Moderator at least 30 days before the annual meeting. 

These are:

  1. Resolution, which shall formulate and present at the session of the annual meeting all resolutions not contained in the official reports of the officers of the association.  All resolutions from the floor will be referred to this committee.
  2. Petitionary Letters, which will meet with the messengers of churches desiring membership to consider their petitionary letters and make recommendation to the association.
  3. Registration, which shall provide for and carry out the registration of messengers and resolve all questions regarding the seating of messengers. At least one member or this committee shall be from the host church.
  4. Others as needed.


These committees shall be appointed in advance of the annual meeting to be able to work effectively.  Their appointment shall be announced early during the annual meeting or their names shall be printed in the program bulletin.


Section 2.

The Associational Council shall be composed of the officers of the association.  It shall prepare the Associational Calendar of Activities and present it for adoption at the annual meeting.  It shall be responsible for planning the annual meeting program.


Section 3.

Standing Committees:  The Committee on Committees will form these committees and present them at the Annual Meeting. Committee members shall serve beginning at the close of the annual meeting for one year or until their successors are elected.

  1. The Nominating Committee, which will nominate the officers and committee members for the coming year and present them to the Body at the annual meeting.  It shall suggest replacements for vacancies which may occur during the Associational year.  In case of the vacancy of the office of moderator the Vice-Moderator shall complete the term.

(2)   Properties

(3)   Finance

(4)   Student Work

(5)   Other committees as needed.





Section 1.

All funds of the association shall be raised by voluntary donations. They shall be considered a sacred trust.


Section 2.

The Treasurer shall make regular reports to the Executive Board and a yearly report to the annual meeting.  The yearly report shall be from October 1 to September 30.


Section 3.

The budget and Finance Committee shall recommend to the association an Annual Budget.  It shall assure good bookkeeping practices, make an annual audit of the books, and assist the Treasurer as necessary.  Non budgeted associational funds shall not be disbursed without authorization of the Executive Board.  Emergency matters may be considered by the Executive Board as they arise.  



Section 4.

The budget shall be in effect from the first of January of the coming year through the 31st of December.




These bylaws may be amended at any annual session of the body by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the messengers present and voting. Churches will be notified of any pending amendments at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting. The vote must be taken at a meeting of the session subsequent to the one in which the amendment is offered


The Big Bend Baptist Association of Texas is organized and operated primarily for the purpose of engaging in religious worship or promoting the spiritual development or well-being of individuals and member churches. It is to be operated in a way that does not result in the accrual of distributable profits, realization of private gain resulting from payment of compensation in excess of reasonable allowance for salary or other compensation for services rendered, or realization of any other form of private gain. The Big Bend Baptist Association of Texas pledges its assets for use in performing the organization’s religious functions. It directs that on discontinuance of the Big Bend Baptist Association of Texas by dissolution, or otherwise, that after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of the Big Bend Baptist Association of Texas out of the assets of the Big Bend Baptist Association of Texas, distribution of all the remaining assets of the Big Bend Baptist Association of Texas shall be made to or for one or more exempt religious, charitable, or educational organizations or purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or corresponding section of any future federal code, which will be determined by association action and shall require a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the messengers present and voting at an Annual Meeting or Special Meeting.